ZoomNotes: Update 7.5.1 IOS and 1.48 MAC
Steffi -
June 22, 2017 at 7:10 PM -
2 Minutes
Today and yesterday new updates for ZoomNotes have been published. Honestly, to me it is more an upgrade than an update as very cool functions have been added which are brand new and help you to be even more productive with your handwritten notes.
Personally, I am really excited to show you some of the new functions of which one came directly from you - as my reader- and is now included in ZoomNotes:
Calendar Function
Since the update you are able to schedule your handwritten notes and documents with your Apple Calendar within ZoomNotes. That means that you can easily apply todos for instance while writing in ZoomNotes. Your task or appointment will be imported to your calendar automatically.
In the case you have applied CardDav to your Apple Calendar it will then sync to BusyCal too.
Add some tasks and appointments to your document, pages and sub pages by going to:
Tools (left side of your screen) —> Events —> Plus sign.
Here you can enter all your information for this task and press save on the top.
If you now have a look into your calendar you will find your task with an URL where and that leads you to the next new feature:
ZoomNotes will add x-callback-URL step by step with future updates which will improve your workflow, editing and search especially under IOS.
Currently, there are the following schemes available:
- Documents
To open the entire document you can use: x-zoomnotes://open?doc=DOCUUID. - Pages and sub pages
Pages and sub pages can be opened by using the next scheme: x-zoomnotes://open?doc=DOCUUID&page=PAGEUUID.[Blocked Image: https://www.steffiscloud.com/steffisInhaltz/uploads/2017/06/006_IMG_20170622_-1.jpg]
The UUID is an unique identifier for your document, page and sub page and can be found under:
Document UUID:
Go to document properties and you will find it there.
For pages and sub pages you will find it under the page properties for each single page.
There will be some other URLs in the next updates to come. One of it is the bookmark URL where you can apply x-callback to your bookmarks too.
A more precise tutorial of the new functions you will find in my next article about ZoomNotes scheduled for Tuesday, 27 June 2017.
Do you miss any feature in ZoomNotes? Do you have questions or need help?
Then just let me know and I will do my best to help you and discuss your feature request directly with the developer of ZoomNotes.
More information about x-callback and how to apply it you will find here in my articles and help topics:
I. Tutorial x-Callback: The secrete of productivity
II. Tutorial x-Callback: The secrete of auto functions for daunting tasks
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