Upgrade Steffi's Cloud

DevonThink is great to protect your data from praying eyes and has encryption implemented.
One way to protect your data is encrypted databases which you can create in DevonThink. Actually, it is a SpareImage with a password and will show in Finder as new location. The key for that you can save in the keysign access on your Mac.
The database will open automatically as long as the key on the Mac.
Please note, that only the actual database gets encrypted but not the SyncStore.
The disadvantage is that:
If you have lost your key to your datgabase you cannot open it anymore. But you can use a SyncStore to recover your database by importing a fresh copy. For that you close all databases and go to Settings->Sync and on the right side you will see remote databases. Right mouse key on it and you can import it.
This method will encrypt the connection between your devise and the SyncStore using AES 256bit - that's a strong encryption.
The data in your SyncStore do not get encrypted but the connection to it.
The key for this encryption cannot be recovered but changed. Please use a password manager to store the encryption key, so you do not lose it.
If you lost the key you cannot recover it but you can do the following:
The easiest method is to use a Mac or iOS devise where your data is current and create a new SyncStore and synchronise your database with this SyncStore.
The second method is to recover your data from the SyncStore directly (not remotely) and do a manual sorting of your data.
Well, if you around and about and you do not have VPN an encrypted connection is useful so that potential attackers cannot see your data transferred.
Personally, I use VPN to connect to the SyncStore, so a second encryption is not necessary.
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