DevonThink: Backup strategy for 2023 - future proof

Do you think you should invest in the DevonThink Server Edition and you are not sure about?
The server acts as an interface between a device (Windows, Android, Apple) and your databases which need to be run on a Mac. You can connect your device to your databases using a browser and you can render your data too. It is possible to create new files, upload documents or delete old documents. It is a tool what you would need, if you running other systems like Windows or Android and want to access your data.
If you work in a team, it is a great way to interact with your databases. Each user can have their own profil within the server. You can set the rights per user , per database.
It does not act as a server in common sense. It does not operate alone and cannot be accessed through the internet. Having said that, you can connect to the Server using VPN oder DNS. So, it is possible to connect to the server from outside.
Compared to the Mac version, the server version is limited to:
There are several settings you can adjust, just go to DevonThink -> Settings -> Server:
User settings
You can add as many users as you like, give them the right to do something with your database, set a secure password. Please note, that the databases have to be opened up in DevonThink bevor adjusting the settings.
You can give the following rights to each user per database:
Surely, you can start and stop the server. After you start the server, it will displays the URL for your connection, there are two: one with your computer name and port and one with the IP address and port.
The login
After you copied the URL you can use it in a browser. There are no preferences for the browser type but the devises need to be connected to the same network.
UI of the DevonThink Server
After you login you will see the UI of the server, here you can:
Create new files
Upload files
Surely, you can adjust the language
Please note, that the connection is directly linked to your databases. Any change will reflect immidiatlely in your database. So be careful then deleting or changing files. There is no synchronisation as such in place.
Finally, the DevonThink Server is a great addition to your workflow especially when you use several operating systems at the same time or work with your team.
My own servers runs on a MacMini and this is online the whole day. I can access my databases with my Windowscomputer and upload new files easily.
If you should invest or not I cannot tell but you need to decide upon your circumstances if the investment is worth doing.
If you have questions or idea let me know in the forum or send me an email.
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