News Update: DevonThink: DevonThink and DEVONnote
Steffi -
July 8, 2017 at 3:13 PM -
4 Minutes
What is this update for?
Decluttering Service für your clippings
Brilliant! What does it mean now?
DevonTechnologies has improved the clipping from your browser to DevonThink and DEVONnote. Now, you have the possibility to declutter all of your formats und use a decluttered version in DevonThinkProOffice, DevonThinkOffice, DevonThinkPersonal und DEVONnote .
This feature will remove all unnecessary data and formats and leaves you with a nicely formatted file in DTPO and DEVONnote (DN). Just click on the declutter click box and you are ready to go.
Google Chrome Bookmarks
Do not search for them
The stability and services between the bookmarks and DTPO/DN were improved in order to serve you better using bookmarks.
Do you use Bookends
for your research and references? Personally, I think … well… DAP is… do not really like to say anything. - just have a look!
Back to Bookends: It is a reference Software which can be used now with DTPO and DN. Hence, you can link your references to DTPO forth and back if you like to do this.
New Support for Roccat
Roccat Web Browser is an Internet browser developed by Runecats Software.
It exists since 2011 and to be honest with you I have never heard of it - Have you?
—If so, please let us your experiences using the comment function of per email now! I really look forward to learn more about this browser!
Well, I have linked the browser nevertheless and need to test it!
Anyhow, Roccat Web Browser will now get basic support for DTPO and DEVONnote.
Markdown: JavaScripts
…“via the scripts tag so that you can use JavaScript libraries to pimp up your Markdown…“
Done and dusted!
That is not all of course!
That was the excerpt of the description of the newsletter for this update. What do you do now? Search for the script tag? No, no ….
Next…. Why do you need JavaScript now?
Recently, the CSS-Style-Sheet for IOS was introduced and now with JavaScript for MAC you get a mix between MarkDown and HTML which you can use for your documents.
As the formatting for MarkDown goes you can format any text style but not it is possible to use HTML elements into your MarkDown too which you can use in any browser of within DTPO and DN!
This will open up new possibilities how your text will look like and gives you a mean to make your text much more lively. You can control your output of MarkDown much more and include HTML elements to it.
Some background to this programming language:
- Developed in 1995 from Netscape
- Extends HTML and CSS with user interactions
- Use it also outside of a browser
- Use it for recognition of returning customers
- Refuse to close a window unexpectedly
- Use different styles and formats
- and much more….
The other side of the coin: Some hazards are involved with JavaScript too:
- Access of browser objects
- Hence, possible to access file system
- Run other scripts or programs without the user will notice or has to agree (for instance upload harmful scripts or software onto the computer)
- Access information like clipboards, which tabs are opened or what are the last visited websites
- These information could be used to manipulate the browser window.
Well, I do not like to threaten you with this list at all and is not my intention to do so.
But my intention is:
- What you are aware of the risks involved when using this type of codes.
- Only with this knowledge, you can avert possible danger from some bad guys.
References for you to test and learn JavaScript
A very nicely made website not only for javascript is W3Schools. Here you can learn and test with their scripts to fiddle around with them and get used to this programming language.
Website in German? Alexander has a nicely made website and documents the most important functions of JavaScripts.
How should it work in DTPO or DN?
Of course, I have got a download for you at this point. This contains a MarkDown file with some JavaScripts and contains the following functions:
- Display current date in format YYYY-MM-DD
- Display your browser version
- Calculates your year of birth if you enter your age (There will be a popup requesting your age
All functions you can test by pressing CMD+ALT+P in DTPO.
Do you like to know more about JavaScript and how to implement it for you in DTPO when just let me know by email or leaving a comment and I will do my best to publish an article or a series about it.
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