News Update: DevonThink und DEVONagent
Steffi -
June 6, 2017 at 7:45 PM -
6 Minutes
There have been three fantastic updates for DevonThink Pro Office and DEVONagent on 30. May / 01. June 2017 respectively released:
DevonThinkToGo Update 2.1.5
This update brings you new features under which will help you to structure and work much smarting using markdown and HTML. Any link to a file can now be applied for outside files too.
Sharing made easy
Now it is so easy to share a bunch of documents as the share menu had been updated - like you use it for single files.
View your documents and folders in the grid view
From this update onwards it is now possible to view your folders and documents using grid view.
To activate it just tap on the number behind any database, folder or intelligent list and you will see the grid on the right side.
Changes to Path for files using markdown and HTML
The change relates to the usage of absolute paths for linking your files with each other. Until this release it was only possible to use indirekt (relative) paths under IOS and MAC.
With this change you have more possibilities to link your CSS files or any image file to your main document.
Tips and Hints
Here are some tips and hints from me:
If you tab just a bit on any database, folder or document a menu will be displayed like the above image shows:
- Copy link
- Show more information
Just press a bit harder and slide your document or folder up. You will get displayed the following options:
- More
- Mark
- Unread
- Copy link
- Delete.
If you press even harder, if you would do using the 3D-Touch feature, your will see your structure of folders and documents. Just use on folder and have a peek on the structure. If you like and want to move there, just press again and you will be lead to the folder containing your documents.
Using this 3D-Touch feature within DevonThink will help you to save a lot of taps in order to go from one folder to another.
DevonThink Update 2.9.12
This update relates to the version of DevonThink Pro and ProOffice which was released on 01 June 2017.
What is included and new?
Copy of URL of database
Now, you will be able to copy the link to your entire database and use it somewhere else. This makes especially sense if you like x-callback-scheme to automate tasks.
URL for Markdown
Also under MAC it is now possible to use absolute links for your images and CSS-Files.
Zoom and rotate your images
With the trackpad gesture it is now possible to rotate your images and zoom any document.
The zoom feature works now for DevonThink and DEVONnote.
All settings of the trackpad you will find under Settings - Trackpad on your MAC.
Favorit and Reminders
For your favourite all sub groups and folders are displayed within.
Do you like the reminder function of DTPO? Now you are able to choose a custom date for your reminders.
Are you using 2Do? Then have a look on my help article about scripting between DevonThink and 2Do here.
DEVONagent Update 3.9.7
Do not you use it?
Really you should! DEVONagent gives you loads of possibilities to search the Internet much faster for things you are interested in.
The advantages of the usage of DEVONagent are:
- Finder faster and smarter your information
- Visual display of your results and where they come from[Blocked Image:]
- Import your results to DevonThink
- Structure your results as you like
- Searches can be saved for later usage or for reuse
- HTTPS connections to Google and Bind (New since Update 3.9.7)
- Use „see also“ feature to look for related documents in your databases
- Forster information using Macintosh News (New since Update 3.9.7)
Can your browser that too?
If not, then get your trial of DEVONagent today!
DevonThink Update Paths for Markdown and HTML
I really like your feedback and will implement them into your blog of your own cloud.
There was a request to give more information relating to updates for functions which are not that obvious - which I will do of course.
The new Path structure in DevonThink
As mentioned before, you have now the possibility to use absolute paths to link external data or images.
What did you use until now?
Relative Paths
We all used relative paths which are really cool for developers of websites and software. It makes sense to have relatives paths also in your markdown files.
How it works, I show you in my help article „DevonThink: Crazy CSS..“
The relative path for above mentioned link…er-ios/?lang=en is with the assumption that is the main directory:
A relative link assumes always a main directory in which the file is located and can go up one or more levels in a hierarchy like this:
The advantage
If you develop a webpage for instance, then you can use your website on any server - does not matter that the domain name will be. The domain will always be the root directory (very first level of a directory). For instance using relative links your CSS-File for your markdown should be located within the same database.
Having said that, you are now able to use your code or webpage everywhere without having to worry it will fail.
Absolute Paths
Absolute paths, like those since the new update, including the main directory (or domain) within the link.
The absolute path of the help article would be like this:
For your CSS files in DTTG and DTPO it would mean that you can use now any link you like to direct your file to the correct layout file, like:
The Advantage for you:
It is easier for you to use an absolute path for your markdown or HTML files.
The Disadvantage:
Would you change your structure so will your link need a change too. Otherwise, your images would be accessible anymore and do not get displayed at all.
For instance, you like to link images to your file from the Internet and you do not have control over the website structure. The webhoster or web owner could change the structure any time and your image would be lost.
Within your database you got the access and know now, if you change something you would need to change the link too. For DTTG and DTPO the link starting with x-devonthink-item:// you do not need to worry as this link is unique.
Small Update from me
I thought a long time about linking and how to use them on my blog. Such as using a new windows or a new tab for any given link.
Until now, I have used the links within a new tab. But I have realised that under IOS it is a pain to use them like that as your screen get cluttered from opening tabs or windows.
Therefore, I have decided to give you the control about how you like to enable the links. If you like to just use one browser window of rather prefer to have them separated in other tabs or windows.
This will be the standard behaviour of any links from June 2017 onwards. All new articles and post will have links which will open in the same window by default.
Do you like your links separated then please press on the link and choose a new window or tab. Under MAC just use your right mouse key and choose from the options given.
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