Upgrade Steffi's Cloud

In order to finance the blog and forum I have decided to allow advertisement at Steffi's Cloud from 2024 onwards. Some costs incurred due to the version upgrade from the blog and forum. The adverts allow me to continue writing valuable content for you and encourages to keep going with the blog for DevonThink, DevonAgent, Synology and the own private cloud. Surely, there everything is transparent and you can read in the post below where you can see ads and what they costs. I will allow only relevant ads to be displayed at Steffi's Cloud.
I hope, you will understand that ads are not bad but allow me to improve the blog and forum. If you like to read about the advertisement packages available you can do this here:
Advertisement at Steffi's Cloud
You got the possibility to upgrade your to a membership. Then you can enjoy Steffi's Cloud ads free. There are special prices until 14. January 2024 at the Shop. To compare the membership packages you can follow this link:
If you have a website and like to advertise Steffi's Cloud there is now the option to do so. Please contact me if you are interested as affiliate for Steffi's Cloud. There will be an earning of 15% of the value of any qualified order.
In 2024, there will be more webinars and seminars for DevonThink and DevonAgent. The dates are not yet confirmed and I will inform you as soon as I know more.
Moreover, there is the roundtable for DevonThink, DevonAgent and DevonsSphere available. If you like you can sign up here:
These were the big changes for 2024 and I hope you understand the way I need to do it.
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