Convert from a paper-based to a paperless user!
Any post that arrived I will scan with my ScanSnap once a week or more depending on the amount.
Very urgent or important post I will scan with my mobile using ScannerPro. ScannerPro will send the file generated (pdf) to my own cloud and DevonThinkProOffice (DTPO) will manage the import.
On travel or abroad, using my iPhone and iPad only, I use the „open-in“ function from ScannerPro to DevonThinkToGo (DTTG). Hence, my documents are already in the database and get synchronised and indexed.
ScanSnap works with DTPO and DTTG together. It is very fast and the advantage is that all necessary information can be entered in one go such as title, database, tags etc.
Probably, you will ask yourselves it is cumbersome to write all the time the same text etc.
Well, I use Typinator for this! I will write more about Typinator and its very useful feature in one of my future articles.
Typinator is developed by Ergonis Software GmbH in Austria. Ergonis is one of my partners and if an article is published here, on my blog, you will get a discount for the article if you like to buy. So stay tuned here!
Typinator is so flexible like no other software and there is still time to have a coffee or two.
Typinator does not only „snippets“ but can also calculate, using variables and correct wrong spelling and much more!
It is fun to use this software on a daily basis i.e for data I have got an abbreviation (3times d) and the result is like this 20170307.
I use simple titles for DTPO as it will not indexed in the same way like proper meta data.
Therefore, I use it like this: 20170305 Blog Workflow 20170307
The first date represents the start or current date and the last date represents the finished date.
Using it like that gives loads of usage variants for invoices, due dates etc. For anything else like amounts or due amounts I use subject, tags, categories or the other features within DTPO and DTTG.
As for IOS, I use the auto-function which is pretty good and Copied if I have more data which need to done.
Some of your documents need still filing such as contracts, lease holds etc. but still it is an advantage to digitalise them too. Everything else can be put in the bin or be shredded.
A lot of companies or SME have the issue with the revision especially under German law. Unfortunately, is DTPO and DTTG not allowed under this laws. But - just use it as you can link your documents which needs to be under a revision structure, with your revision-based software.
So, you can still use the paperless office together with a super fast search.
Handwritten notes and DevonThink
s you might know, I use ZoomNotes for all handwritten notes etc.
As you will not see a sync-feature within ZoomNotes here my tip:
There is an auto-backup function with WebDav available. Every time a document changes, it will update the backup and will use a .znd file to store everything.
If I have new documents DevonThink and Hazel will monitor them and import them straight to DTPO.
DTPO can display this file and with ZoomNotesX you can open and render it to your likings.
Another method is to use the export and import function within ZoomNotes using WebDav as a server. That works very nicely!
If I already got a document in DTPO or DTTG I just use the open-in function in DTTG and open the document in ZoomNotes to work on. Once finished, I will export the document to DTTG.
There will not be a new file in DTTG but the original gets updated.
So, you can avoid to have to delete the original and replace all tags and settings.
That works with the iPad as well as IPhone very well.
Appointments and documents
If you got all your documents in DTPO or DTTG the next is not too hard any more:
Personally, I use BusyCal and 2DO-App for my appointments and daily chores using the build-in function of „x-callback-url“.
This „x-callback-url“ is pretty cool!! You can retrieve files with it or if needed to use it to create tasks, emails, todos etc. This will also work with your native calendar.
For instant: a document needs to be scheduled because you need it during an appointment.
I have changed the script file for the native calendar in DTPO a little bit and that it - it will go to BusyCal with DTPOs-URL for the document.
Your calendar will show you the appointment and the url given - just one click and the document will open immediately and that on all your synced devises - very handy is not it?
You can use the „x-callback-url“ with Airmail too to retrieve your emails without storing the actual file.
I save so much space on all of my devices using this method.
There is an other advantage using BusyCal:
BusyContact will show all tasks, appointments and emails to a contact, so you will have a kind of dashboard within your contact app.
Little hint for IOS:
If you use DTTG and the export function, please copy the link at first and when you can open-in in any other app. This link should start with „x-devonthink…..“ and can be placed to an URL field.
In the case you do not do that, the link for the current device is only saved and that does not much sense on your other devices.
Emails to DTPO
With rules enabled, you can export and filter your messages to a folder of your chose and DTPO can monitor this folder to import.
Under IOS I use which works great with Airmail and DTTG. You do not need to be a geek to understand how easy the setup is.
Writing text and import to DTPO or DTTG
I useseveral software depending on the usage to be honest.
For plain text or html, I use this software because it works nicely with your own cloud.
For Mac only, I use this for „pretty“ reports which goes outside as you can format a lot with Scrivener.
But: It has no WebDav-connection and no IOS app.
Pages (native)
Pages, I use if I need WebDav or an export function to DTTG under IOS.
Sublime is great for programmers as it understands several script languages. It helps me to change php file or just render some html.
Personally, I use Ulysses the most as it has the WebDav connection and it is easy to adjust to your needs and not the other way around.
DTPO and DTTG internally
I use DTPOs and DTTGs function for text pretty much - especially for plain text - and your do not have to worry about exporting the document to DTTG.
With the new version of DTTG you can also format your text.
Photos, videos from IOS to your own cloud
here are free apps from the manufactures of NAS like Synology or QNAP and it is really easy to setup the connection and the backup of your photos and videos stored on your mobile devices.
You just need your own cloud url, turn on backup and the target folder on your own cloud.
That’s it!
I like the features provided as they just backup all the new or changed files, so that you will not end up with duplicated files.
Once done, Hazel will wait for the file to rename and sort them into sub folders according to their meta data.
Therefore, I can find my photos pretty quick and easy.
I do not import my photos into DTTG or DTPO as there are too less to be concerned about.
Password - Workflow
Since I have switched to Enpass I do not have to look after this workflow at all.
It is pretty easy to set up in your own cloud:
Just turn on the synchronisation, enter your IP and credentials and that’s it.
It does not matter if you use Windows, Mac, IOS or Android - it works with almost all operating systems.
All data transfers are secured by HTTPS.
Apps for social media
Well, there is an issue as most apps will backup to their own cloud only or to ICloud.
Both I do not like!
But using the desktop versions of your apps can overcome the shortage of the mobile apps.
You can then backup your data, if it is WhatsApp or Telegram or something else.
Using Hazel to push the data through my network makes that an easy task.
Other apps
News or other apps using the export function mostly. So it is easy to export to DTTG from your mobile.
Do you need more information about all this software? Please scroll down and you will find a list of all mentioned software.
I hope, I could give you an example of a workflow within your own cloud and that’s all in your paperless office.
If you have question, suggestions or tips please do not hesitate to contact me.
Which workflow do you got?
What experience do you have with your own cloud?
I look forward to your comments
Warm regards,
PS: Thank you very much for your vote to the subject „Is a Steffi-help-site helpful“. The result was 28 to 3 votes - meaning YES. I hope, I will finish the help site by the end of this week.
Do you like to get more information or buy the apps? Then you can just use the links provided to my partners website, AppStore or iTunes Store. As you know, all commission earned will be given back to you - my readers - in my specials and raffles.
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