Soon the Advent season starts and with it my Advent calendar
Steffi -
November 29, 2023 at 4:00 PM -
1 Minute
As every year, I celebrate Advent with my Advent calendar
It took a long time to finalise the Advent calendar but now it is ready for you and you can open it's doors from 01 December every day.
I was not sure this year, what I should place into the calendar but then an idea came: Coupons! Yes, there will be coupons this year!
Every day from the 01 Dec through the 24 Dec 2023 there is another coupon for:
- AppleStore
- Amazon and of course
- Steffi's Cloud Shop
- License for Ammonite and
- Cloudies.
If you have an idea for what Cloudies could be good for, when let me know under the suggestion entry.
The Advent calendar is accessible in the forum only. You have not got an account yet, then sign up and discuss about the own private cloud, DevonThink, DevonAgent and more. Surely, I am there as well and can give you tipps.
I hope you are having a fantastic Advent time!
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