Productivity: Handwriting for home and travel
Steffi -
February 18, 2017 at 8:03 PM -
5 Minutes
Is it possible to handwrite notes on travel without third-party cloud? YES, it is!
Today, I will write about handwritten notes for travel and home
I think some of my readers would agree, that sometimes it is much better to do a plan with proper handwriting. Well, we are all used to paper but it is not that hard to go this step to digital handwritten notes…
[Blocked Image:…ich-notiz-4.jpg]
There are loads of apps around, which promises you the perfect note taking program or „Everything you will ever need“ - buy it now!
Back in time, I used Windows and liked OneNote and Journal pretty much - it is just great to work with it. There are connections to WebDav already implemented and synchronisation can be done with ease.
Then, I switched to MAC and IOS and there there several issues. I was looking for an app which does not used third-party cloud but WebDav!
There was a long way of trail, error and money to be wasted until I found a software which fulfilled all my necessary specifications:
- able to connect to WebDav - very important to run your own cloud
- auto backup and sync function
- the digital ink should be very neat
- text and tables should be included
- export of my notes to other apps, programs and email as PDF, JPG or just import it to DevonThink
- import of files, websites, pictures and so on
- voice recording - it is pretty cool and helpful to have to your notes audio as well
- several pens and colours
- search by tags
- able to build a structure of folders and sub folders
- password protection to open the note book
- I prefer to write without this zoom window/panel - thingimijigs - whatever it calls - you know what I mean
Well I have got it and thousands possibilities more with this note taking app:
- use as a whiteboard and project to audience
- use work spaces - the user can only see certain features and documents, useful for teachers for example
- URL- Links, hence I can drop it into DevonThink directly
- make your own video
- get your desktop picture or only a part
- bookmarks in order to get really fast to certain pages
- helping tools, like ruler, poly gram, cycles, boxes etc.
- fast shortcuts directly with the pen i.e. delete it
- export in all major clouds - even Dropbox, Twitter and Facebook!
- Print directly on your WIFI printer form your iPad and Airdrop
- unlimited zoom - you will not believe it - but it is true
- use your own templates - just import template as pdf - finished
- Sub pages in a document - a page in a page feature
- all functions with the ApplePen are just great but also supports Adonis etc.
- tab register - you can work on more than one document very easy
- a small program for Mac, Windows there you can import your pictures etc. to your iPad
- symbols and stamps which are included but you can also do your own and use them anytime again
I can already hear the voices of the „GoodNotes-Fans“ but sorry guys there is no WebDav support and think on the story about Evernote’s T&C back in December last year. GoodNotes and Evernote are certainly nice programs - no question - if you like your data in other hands and hoping the T&Cs will not change soon,… but sorry, that is not what I want…
I have tested both software in order to get a feeling of haptic and functionality and there are not too bad - but no WebDav - count me out!
The developer of my note program may have plan to get the search for handwriting too. But for now, it is easy to search by tags, date, title and so on. There are also folders and subfolders!
There is one thing I have omitted to be honest….
… there is a steep learning curve to be done! This program gives you so much possibilities which you cannot see at the first glance!
The program called ZoomNotes and is developed in England from Deliverance Software.
[Blocked Image:…2/400x400bb.jpg]
ZoomNotes is on of this programs, which can be purchased only via the Apple Store and Itunes Store. That means if you take my links to buy this software, the commission I will take for my raffles and Specials to 100%.
The manual and loads of videos which will help you to get you started and gain experience you can find here.
There are also test versions - please note there is one version for both iPad and iPhone - one buy - two devices.
ZoomNotes Lite - trial version
ZoomNotes to purchase- Notetake, Sketch, PDF, Present
ZoomNotesX purchase for MAC
To me, it is the best note taking program ever for MAC and IOS and it works just perfectly with your own cloud! You will not believe what the potential this software offers - until you are using it!
Need templates? - just create your own in PDF and import them to ZoomNotes - that’s it. You can even have your own covers - same principle - just import as PDF - done!
Here is a small self-made video with ZoomNotes. It has excellent zoom feature therefore, I zoom in and out to show you how smooth the ink is. My video is not that pretty - I know - it should only show you what you can do with animated ink:
Next, you will see some of the Apps which are able to work with WebDav and therefore they are perfect for your own cloud:
Please note all links will forward you to the MAC App or App Store.
It is just fun to work with ZoomNotes on iPad thought I „just“ got the 9’’ Pro
If you own a 12’’ just let me know how ZoomNotes works in this environment and which experiences you have gained with the test version.
How is your planning of the own cloud getting on?
Any questions just let me know.
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